Tri-Bay Construction - BUILT TO LAST

Construction Pre-planning is Vital for Success

Last month we discussed the qualities to look for in a Contractor. This month we will explore some of the pre-planning you can do before you even get to permitting and construction. Whether you are about to lease a space for an existing/new business or purchasing land to construct a new building, there are many things you should do in advance.

Do not rely solely on the “experts” or assume that these upfront items have been taken care of before the project launch. Keep the old adage in mind that “failing to plan is a plan to fail.” This saying especially rings true in the construction industry. Any gaps can become a costly delay.

Define the scope with a contractor, including how you want the space or the building to perform. The result will always turn out better than if you hand a contractor a set of plans and say, “Can you build this?”; How fast? How much? Defining the scope and performance often will change the cost for the better.

Walking through this pre-construction process with a Contractor is equal to interviewing to find the right fit. You should identify the level of risk the project may have, such as delay points, permitting procedures, and design decisions that will affect the overall budget, material specifications, and more. Walking through this process can determine whether the project is viable at all.
To follow are some of the crucial elements that make up a successful project:
  • Clearly define goals and deadlines for the Owner and Design & Construction Teams: Set realistic cost projections, confirm scheduling, and establish clear communication lines early to prevent misunderstandings.
  • Collaborative scheduling: This critical step requires all team members to create a realistic schedule for the project, from design to project turnover.
  • Sustainable Building: Know the benchmarks that make a building or a space considered “Green.” Having a clear understanding of the costs associated with green building methods and materials will eliminate surprises during construction and may even alter the performance goals before the project begins.
  • Permitting and Jurisdictional idiosyncrasies can often delay the review process: Understanding the local codes and ordinances by meeting with jurisdictional officials before the submittal process may shave valuable days from the overall schedule. Otherwise, poor communication can derail a plan before it gets started. Gaining clear direction helps alleviate items easily overlooked if unfamiliar with the project’s jurisdiction location.
  • Accurate budgeting and expense tracking plan: The team can accomplish this with the early selection of finish materials, so costs are known before construction begins—brainstorm to uncover the hidden fees that are bound to arise and can often be budget busters.
There are many more components that makeup Pre—Construction Services and Planning. We will continue to discuss the benefits of Pre-Construction planning and will then follow that with the types of Project Delivery available and their pros and cons.